About the T&DLHS
We are a friendly group with many members, and offer a wide range of activities throughout the year; visitors are always welcome.
Membership is open to all who are interested in the history of Tenterden and its surroundings.
The Society is organised by a wholly voluntary committee of officers, elected by the members.
How to join
Our subscription is £6 per year. To join us you may:
a) attend any event and
join at the door OR
b) Email Richard Parsons:
parsonsrichard004@gmail.com OR
Illustrated Talks
September to April, the last Monday in the month, 7.15 for 7.30pm at Highbury Hall,
TN30 6LE. Interesting, illustrated, local topics by good speakers, up to one hour.
Members £2; visitors: £4.
These offer original & fascinating topics of local interest, sent out directly to our members.
Coffee Morning Socials
Coffee Mornings are open to members & non-members. Bring your friends!
We have been compiling local Scrapbooks of Tenterden for over 50 years and these will be on display, amongst other items of interest. The Scrapbooks make a fascinating record of events as seen at the time by local newspapers, with periodicals and photographs. Entrance costs £2 per person to include refreshments.
Local history library
The T&DLHS maintains a dedicated local history library collection available for research.
For members' use only.
Housed at Tenterden Museum.
Summer Outings
In the summer months the Society organises visits to local places of interest. Some of these may be for members only, at others non-members are very welcome. Past excursions have included for example, Lullingstone Castle, Smallhythe Dig, the Churches of Romney Marsh and an annual guided tour of our delightful and historic Tenterden High Street.
Excursion Summer 2023