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Comic Postcard 1910
Poking fun at the Railway
The front cover of
Dr Jeremiah Cliffe's Death Notebook: a nationally valuable medical and demographic record, compiled in Tenterden 1712 - 1740.
Dr Cliffe is buried in St Mildred's Churchyard.

Here is a True and perfect and exact list as I have been Able to take In an Alphabeticall Order of all those Persons, Men, Women and Children, that have Dy'd in Tenterden, Beginning March the (?) 18th 1712/3 or thereaboutes, with their names, their Agis as nigh as could be guest at, and what day of the Month and year they dy'd of and also what distemper they dy'd of and also who was their docters that did [for] them in the Time of their sickness.
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